Support for student writing is a collaboration across all units on campus
The hallmark of Writing Across the Curriculum at Arizona Writing Across the Curriculum (WAC) is collaboration. The University of Arizona serves over 40,000 undergraduate and graduate students annually across 121 specific campus units. It is a rich ecology. Arizona WAC depends on meaningful campus collaborations essential for building a coalition of WAC support at the university. Campus partners remain crucial to WAC. Whether it is with individuals, campus partners, regional allies, or the larger WAC scholarly community, we champion initiatives that have the potential for lasting impact on how students and faculty experience writing pedagogy.
Explore Our Initiatives

Antiracist Faculty Fellows
Faculty Fellows come from all disciplines and work together to create a community of practice dedicated to increasing equity and inclusion in their writing instruction.

Serving Writers Through Meaningful Writing
Utilizing funds from the CUES Distinguished Fellowship, we research writing across the classroom to help instructors create meaningful writing projects that serve students as holistic learners and writers.

Campus Collaborators
We collaborate with various units, departments, offices, and individuals to support writing across campus.