Writing Across the University of Arizona

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We value writing across the entire student journey.

Although students write across all courses and contexts, there are three distinct opportunities for students to engage in sustained, meaningful writing opportunities. Research shows that writing is recursive and develops over time -- these courses help students transfer learning throughout their whole educational journey. 

Foundations Writing

Students start their writing journey in Foundations Writing. Students can experience different courses with shared learning outcomes, typically two courses in a sequence (ENGL 101/102 or ENGL 107/108). In these courses, students learn essential writing processes (e.g. revision, research, etc.), experience university writing genres, and terminology that will help transfer to other writing courses. The UA Writing Program, received the 2017-2018 Writing Program Certificate of Excellence from the Conference on College Composition and Communication.

Learn More About Foundations Writing

Writing Attribute in General Education

Students continue their writing journey throughout General Education with a wide variety of courses with a designated writing attribute. These courses build on Foundations Writing to highlight rhetorical and genre awareness, disciplinary ways of knowing, and writing-to-learn. Students utilize writing as a tool to explore different perspectives and make connections across disciplines. 

Learn More about the Writing Attribute

Writing Emphasis Courses in the Major

Students finish their writing journey with courses in their major and/or discipline with a writing emphasis. These courses highlight writing for specific audiences, genres, and rhetorical situations. The goal is to utilize writing as a tool for developing expertise in a discipline and preparing for real-world contexts. 

Learn more about the writing emphasis